On 5/04/12 2:53 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Thu, 5 Apr 2012, Sean Hogan wrote:
So the ::backdrop could be styled to not cover the whole page?
Could it default to a "top" layer, but optionally be given a z-index?
The ::backdrop specifically would just be immediately below its element in
the "top layer" stack, at least as proposed. Could you elaborate on what
your use case is for moving it to other layers? (Ideally with examples of
dialogs that do this in the wild -- see the wiki page on which we designed
the<dialog>  feature -- http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Dialogs -- for the
examples that have primarily driven the design so far.)

On Thu, 5 Apr 2012, Sean Hogan wrote:
So this "top" layer prevents all user-interaction with the rest of the
No, that would be inherent in the<dialog>  "showModal()" behaviour.

If that's the case, it seems a bit inflexible. I would imagine that some
UI designers would like parts of the page to still be clickable - a
couple of examples:

- a toggle button to show / hide the dialog (probably part of a menu-bar).
- a menu bar with buttons that, when activated, first dismiss the dialog
Those sound like non-modal dialogs. Do you have any examples of modal
dialogs on the Web that have these behaviours? As above, screenshots and
URLs to such examples would be really helpful.

Look at my blog:


At the bottom is a simple site menu. If you click on the "contact" link it pops up a dialog with a backdrop that covers the whole page... except for the site menu. The dialog can be hidden by a "close" link in the dialog OR by clicking the "contact" link again.

The page itself is non-interactive. It's just the bottom menu that doesn't lose interactivity, because it has a higher z-index than the backdrop.

I suppose another way of achieving this with dialogs would be to make the site menu a dialog that has no backdrop but is always on top. I don't know if that's something worth considering for the spec.


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