On May 12, 2012, at 6:28 AM, Mathew Marquis <m...@matmarquis.com> wrote:

> While that information may be available at the time the img tag is parsed, I 
> don’t believe it will be available at the time of prefetching — I’m happy to 
> research this further and report back with citations. I’m sure I don’t have 
> to tell you that “disable prefetching on img tags just in case there are 
> matching sources” is going to be a hard sell to vendors that do prefetch. If 
> we’re left with a solution that fetches the original src before applying any 
> custom source logic, well, we’re no better off than we would be with one of 
> the scores of script-based solutions that have come about in the past year.
> To your original point, though: as much as you can absolutely make a case 
> that a simpler implementation will benefit developers if inherently more 
> stable, you can’t convince me that `img set` suits the needs of developers as 
> well as `picture`. In fact, even if you were to convince me, it wouldn’t 
> matter. Picture is, for better or worse, what developers want and expect in a 
> “responsive images” element. There’s certainly no shortage of proof of that, 
> on this page alone: 
> http://www.w3.org/community/respimg/2012/05/11/respimg-proposal/ At the 
> moment, the Community Group server seems to be down due to excessive traffic.

The key to making the case for the <picture> element or something like it is to 
cite use cases. Most of the comments on that blog post just give opinions, 
without use cases backing them up. A lot more weight will be placed on 
explanations of *why* developers love something (e.g. it lets them do X where 
they otherwise couldn't, it lets them do Y more easily, etc) than just 
testimonials that they love it.


P.S. Your examples in that blog post are not equivalent. Here are two examples  
that I believe would be equivalent for resolution adaptation only, presuming a 
600x200 image and a 1200x400 scaled version:

<img src="catface.jpg" alt="A cat's face" srcset="catf...@2x.jpg 2x">

<picture style="width: 600px; width: 200px" id="catface_picture" alt="A cat's 
<source src="catface.jpg">
<source src="catf...@2x.jpg" media="min-device-pixel-ratio: 2">
<img src="catface.jpg" alt="A cat's face">

Other than more general verbosity, there are a few other other differences that 
show up:

1) The <picture> version has to repeat the alt text.
2) The <picture> version has to repeat the URL to the 1x asset.
3) The <picture> version has to explicitly set a width and height, because it 
does not have the built-in scaling semantics of srcset and so cannot rely on 
intrinsic size, since it will end up different between the two images.
4) The <picture> version has to use a specific order, while in the srcset 
version, order doesn't matter.

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