I’ve put together a summary of potential use cases addressed by the picture 
markup and posted them to the WHATWG wiki, along with a few key implementation 
details: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Adaptive_images

I don’t mind saying that the `img set` markup is inscrutable to the point where 
I may well be missing the mark on what it’s trying to achieve, but it certainly 
seems to overlap with many of the things for which media queries were 
intended—albeit in a completely siloed way. As media queries continue to 
advance over time, are there plans to continue adding functionality to `img 
set` in parallel? I would hate to think we could be painting ourselves into a 
corner for the sake of easier implementation on the UA side.

I don’t claim to be any smarter than the average developer, but I am speaking 
as a core contributor to jQuery Mobile and having worked on the responsive 
BostonGlobe.com designs: tailoring things for client capabilities is kind of my 
thing. I fear the developer community has little hope of understanding this 
pattern, and there has been no small amount of consensus on that point: 

I worry that, when faced with this markup, developers will simply opt to serve 
the largest possible image in a src. In fairness, that approach "works" with 
far less headache.

-Mat Marquis

On May 12, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Jason Grigsby wrote:

> On May 11, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Simon Pieters wrote:
>> There seem to be two proposals for what syntax to use for the responsive 
>> images use case: several elements vs. an attribute.
> There are two proposals because they solve two different use cases. Both use 
> cases are becoming increasingly important. Unfortunately, these use cases are 
> commonly collapsed into one. I have done it myself in the past. I tried to 
> clarify the use cases recently.[1]
> Use case #1
> -----------
> Document author needs to display different versions of an image at different 
> breakpoints based on what I’m calling, for a lack of a better phrase, art 
> direction merits.
> * Example 1: News site shows photograph speaking at a auto factory. On wide 
> screens, the news site includes a widescreen version of the photograph in 
> which the cars being built can clearly be seen. On small screens, if the 
> photograph is simply resized to fit the screen, Obama’s face is too small to 
> be seen. Instead, the document author may choose to crop the photograph so 
> that it focuses in on Obama before resizing to fit the smaller screen. [1]
> * Example 2: On the Nokia Browser site where it describes the Meego 
> browser[2], the Nokia Lumia is show horizontally on wide screens[3]. As the 
> screen narrows, the Nokia Lumia is then shown vertically and cropped[4]. 
> Bryan and Stephanie Rieger, the designers of the site, have talked about how 
> on a wide screen, showing the full phone horizontally showed the browser 
> best, but on small screens, changing the img to vertical made more sense 
> because it allowed the reader to still make out the features of the browser 
> in the image.
> Current proposed solution: <picture> element[5]
> Use case #2
> -----------
> For a variety of reasons, images of various pixel density are needed. These 
> reasons include current network connection speed, display pixel density, user 
> data plan, and user preferences.
> * Example 1: The use of high-density images for the new iPad on Apple.com.[6]
> * Example 2: A user on a slow network or with limited data left may 
> explicitly declare that he or she would like to download a high resolution 
> because they need to see a sharper version of an image before buying product, 
> etc.
> Current proposed solution for use case #2: <img srcset>[7]
> ----
> Neither proposed solution handles all of the use cases. I’m not convinced 
> that one solution needs to solve both of them, but I do think if we’re 
> getting close to implementing one of the proposed solutions, we need to 
> consider how it would work in conjunction with a solution for the other use 
> case.
> To be more specific, if <img srcset> were to be implemented in a 
> browser--potentially solving use case #2, but leaving use case #1 open--what 
> would happen when we realized that use case #1 still needed to be solved? 
> Would we end up with some bastardized mixture of <picture> and <imgset> 
> syntax?
> When Ted proposed <img srcset>, he wrote[7]:
>> Ultimately I don't think addressing the multiple-resolution case needs to 
>> wait for a solution to these other cases. We don't need to "SOLVE ALL THE 
>> PROBLEMS!" right now.
> In a similar vein, the responsive images community group, focused on use case 
> #1 and explicitly chose to ignore the problems described in use case #2.
> While I agreed with that focus earlier, I now think this may be a mistake. As 
> much as I don’t want to bog down solving either use case, it seems likely 
> that if we don’t look at both at the same time, that we’ll end up with[8]:
> <picture alt="">
>    <source src="mobile.jpg" /> 
>    <source src="medium.jpg" media="min-width: 600px" /> 
>    <source src="fullsize.jpg" media="min-width: 900px" /> 
>    <img src="foo-lores.jpg"
>     srcset="foo-hires.jpg 2x, foo-superduperhires.jpg 6.5x"
>     alt="decent alt text for foo.">
> </picture>
> Which would make no one happy.
> -Jason
> ----
> [1] 
> http://blog.cloudfour.com/a-framework-for-discussing-responsive-images-solutions/
> [2] http://browser.nokia.com/smartphones.html
> [3] http://browser.nokia.com/resources/images/home-feature.png
> [4] http://browser.nokia.com/resources/images/smartphones/choose-me...@320.png
> [5] https://github.com/Wilto/respimg
> [6] 
> http://blog.cloudfour.com/how-apple-com-will-serve-retina-images-to-new-ipads/
> [7] http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2012-May/035746.html
> [8] Yes, yes, this is an exaggeration, but you get my point.

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