Non announcement _here_ is one thing, sure; but as those aiming to plan, test 
and measure different approaches, it's your role to research other developments 
out side of the WHATWG bubble. 

WHATWG does not exist to be a closed society. 

On 17/05/2012, at 6:46 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:

> On May 16, 2012, at 10:39 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>> I agree that there's no obligation. And I agree that if people here
>> didn't know about the existence of the CG then of course it's not
>> surprising that we didn't engage with the work that was happening
>> there.
>> However I was under the impression that that wasn't the situation
>> here. So while I agree that there was no obligation, it also doesn't
>> seem surprising to me that the people in the CG were unhappy/upset
>> with the resulting outcome.
> I didn't know about the respimg CG until a few days ago (after a couple of 
> days of discussion of responsive image proposals, and months after Ted first 
> posted his image-set proposal to www-style). Checking after the fact, I could 
> find no mention of the term "respimg" or anything else uniquely identifying 
> the community group in the archives of or public-html, and 
> no one from the CG that I asked had a recollection of announcing it here. 
> That's the basis for my assumption that most people here didn't know about 
> the CG while it was working on its proposal. Do you have a basis for assuming 
> otherwise?
> REgards,
> Maciej

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