Well, if nothing else, I can certainly speak to the Community Group’s 
frustration on this subject — and to a lesser extent, the development community 
in general.

> However, it still looks like the most upsetting implication of his
> timeline, namely that the WHATWG is prioritizing implementors over
> authors, remains unclarified. Is it a misconception to say that the
> levels of priority outlined in the W3C HTML design principles [4] are
> not being followed here? Especially since it seems that we can extend
> Tim's timeline with:
> 7. Authors react negatively to the addition of 'srcset' in the draft.

For myself at least, much of the frustration came from an eagerness to work 
with the WHATWG on solving this issue only to be met with sentiment to the tune 
of “that’s okay; we’ve pretty much solved this already.”

`srcset` went from an initial proposal to addition to the draft within a 
handful of days, during which time we were told that we hadn’t followed the 
proper processes for proposing `picture`, and were lacking for proof, 
citations, and documentation. We were asked to furnish use cases, polyfills, a 
more formal proposal, and proof of developer sentiment on their preferred 
markup pattern. While we we working to provide these, `srcset` went from 
http://junkyard.damowmow.com/507 to a draft based largely on conversation in 
the IRC channel. Speaking for myself, one can’t help but feel as though we were 
given a separate set of rules and a process of our own.

During this time, the most common argument was that some variation of 
`srcset`—or simply forgoing media queries altogether—would be easier for 
implementors, and that the `picture` markup contained too many characters. 
Where there’s no shortage of evidence that authors prefer the more verbose 
syntax, well, we were left with only one initial conclusion.

> 8. The 'living' draft is not changed and the authors' anger eventually
> fades into hopeless acceptance because once something goes in to the
> draft, it is set in stone forever and for all time.

I don’t think this is the case. The public has largely resigned this to 
“`srcset` is happening because the WHATWG said so,” for certain, and that 
doesn’t seem entirely false—but I don’t think “hopeless acceptance” is the 
situation at present. I’ve been off the grid for a few days, but as I catch up 
on the conversation it seems as though a number of the RICG’s members have been 
contributing to the incremental improvement of the `srcset` proposal. I’m all 
for it, of course, as the goal was never _this or that_ solution so much as a 
solution that covers our use cases in the most developer-friendly way 
possible—and above all else, a solution with the most benefit to users.

The goal now—as ever—is the best possible solution. If we’re limited to 
`srcset`, then the goal is to make that as useful as possible. However, I’d be 
lying if I said it isn’t frustrating, feeling as though we’re all working from 
a forgone conclusion.

> Ok, so 8 is both hyperbolic and in the future, but a lot of people
> seem to think that this is where we are headed. Personally, I'm not
> angry about this and I'm willing to calmly listen to corrections, I'm
> just trying to wade through all the misinformation here.
> -Brenton Strine
> [1] http://timkadlec.com/2012/05/wtfwg/
> [2] http://adactio.com/journal/5474/
> [3] http://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/2463167-secret-src
> [4] http://www.w3.org/TR/html-design-principles/

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