On 6/19/12 1:56 PM, Charlie Reis wrote:
That's from the "[if] the user agent
determines that the two browsing contexts are related enough that it is
ok if they reach each other" part, which is quite vague.

This is, imo, the part that says unrelated browsing contexts should not be able to reach each other by name.

It's only vague because hixie wanted all current implementations to be conforming, I think. Which I believe is a mistake.

Firefox appears to allow cross-origin windows find each
other by name.

This is actually necessary for web compat, last I checked, if the cross-origin window is one that you opened or one that you are framing. Do other UAs not allow navigating the cross-origin window in those situations?

There are lots of cases in which cross-origin windows in fact cannot find each other by name in Firefox.

Perhaps that's the bug you're referring to?

No, I'm talking about the fact that Firefox just has no concept of "related browsing context" and treats them all as related.


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