We proposed this in the public-canvas-api working group.

There may be some tricky parts with transforms.

From an implementation perspective, createPath (returns opaque CanvasPath) and 
beginPath(CanvasPath) is the easiest and most direct. The tricky part happens 
when you're in a loop with transforms as: rotate(15); beginPath(createPath()); 
will rotate another 15 degrees because the transform is applied twice.

Of course, if you've worked with canvas and pattern before, you're used to 
handling inverse transforms when appopriate.


On Sep 22, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Elliott Sprehn <espr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was looking at the canvas Path API and had some concerns. In
> particular it's inconsistent with the rest of canvas:
> We already have CanvasGradient and CanvasPattern in the global
> namespace, so this should probably be called CanvasPath.
> We also have createLinearGradient() and createPattern(), but this new
> thing is "new Path".
> Could we get some consistency here? Like adding new CanvasGradient()
> (or a createPath() method) to match up with Path and renaming this
> thing CanvasPath?
> - Elliott

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