On Oct 2, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Elliott Sprehn <espr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Glenn Maynard <gl...@zewt.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Elliott Sprehn <espr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> What of the fact that this breaks existing pages with <input
>>>> id="Path"> that access it as just Path? Historically this has been a
>>>> non-starter for new APIs.
>> Surely it's not a non-starter in general, or else no new APIs could ever be
>> added to the platform--at worst it just means picking a less generic name.
>> I assume that's not strictly needed; "URL" must be a more common ID than
>> "Path".  ("Path" makes me think of URL paths, though.  Something like
>> "DrawPath" would be a little clearer.)
> What about unifying all of these as:
> new GraphicsPath()
> new GraphicsLinearGradient()
> new GraphicsRadialGradient()
> new GraphicsPattern()
> and fixing HTML5 canvas to support these new constructors instead?
> I'm a little surprised about the window.URL change that went through
> recently. There must be tons of <input id="URL">'s around, and lots of
> old form generating code accessed them through window.id.
> @hixie: How was it decided that this wasn't going to break the web?

Mozilla has a massive platform for collecting and analyzing user/software 
feedback. I'd imagine they've got good metrics on web-breaking moves. Chrome, 
from my experience, relies on bug reports on their issues site; Microsoft and 
Apple go slow and keep things opaque/in-house. WHATWG watches, suggests and 
makes changes based on the eventual consensus.

As for html5 Canvas; other than the accessibility issues addressed in the past 
two years, I wouldn't say it's broken. We're now looking at a new version of 
it. I think it was called version 5 by Hixie.

I wanted vendors to solidify consensus on a version close to what currently 
exists, with minor changes for accessibility. The WHATWG and W3C have chosen 
instead to make broad changes, as proposed in version 5/the Hixie-Atkins draft.

So, it's on the table. As always, browser vendors will decide on the actual 

I'm still for making a snapshot with createPath and an opaque CanvasPath, and 
saving version 5 for the more distant 3-year future and HTML6. The W3C and 
WHATWG have gone ahead with version 5, with support from an Apple employee.


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