On Fri, 1 Feb 2013 05:55:11 +0100
Nils Dagsson Moskopp <n...@dieweltistgarnichtso.net> wrote:

> Gryllida <gryll...@gmail.com> schrieb am Fri, 1 Feb 2013 15:01:26 +1030:
> > On Fri, 1 Feb 2013 05:24:58 +0100
> > Nils Dagsson Moskopp <n...@dieweltistgarnichtso.net> wrote:
> > 
> > > Gryllida <gryll...@gmail.com> schrieb am Fri, 1 Feb 2013 14:26:00
> > > +1030:
> > > 
> > > > == Summary ==
> > > >   To have some universal, standard protocol to indicate that a
> > > > webpage or website has an IRC channel or network associated with
> > > > it.
> > > 
> > > Associated in what form? Which verb describles the relationship
> > > between the web page and the IRC channel? Also, I would call the
> > > link relation „chat“ or something, there are other protocols than
> > > IRC, e.g. XMPP. -- 
> > > Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann
> > > <http://dieweltistgarnichtso.net>
> > 
> > Probably associated as in 'have', that a page/site 'has' its channel
> > somewhere. Acknowledge XMPP support in that, might need a 'protocol'
> > attribute or just an xmpp:// URL?
> “to have” as you use it .ust denotes a relationship exists (as in “I
> have a sister.”), but not which one. My fault, the question should have
> been “What noun describes the IRC channel in relation to the web
> page?”. For a feed, for example, this can be answered with „this is an
> alternate representation of the content“.
> A protocol attribute for <link> elements would be totally hilarious.
> -- 
> Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann
> <http://dieweltistgarnichtso.net>

It is rather common to have a channel for a website, not just one page.
There are some exceptions of sites which have subsites with a channel for each.
A {IRC, XMPP} channel is "an official chat medium aiming to serve as an 
official {support, development, contact} means".
For example,
https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Themes irc://irc.mozilla.org/themedev - 
discussion of theme development for Mozilla platform
http://www.ubuntu.com/* irc://irc.ubuntu.com/ - official support channel for 
the distro
the w3c network for individual sections of website - channels for development 
collaboration and meetings

I think a protocol attribute might be redundant as it is a part of the URL.

It may be worth noting that every part of the note I originally sent is 
possible to look up and you can try finding proper way to phrase things (I have 
no experience in writing documentation of this sort).


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