On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Glenn Maynard <gl...@zewt.org> wrote:

> This seems a bit heavy-handed.  For these use cases, it doesn't seem like
> you need to delay the whole onload event, which would have tons of
> side-effects on the page.  You could just tell the browser that you're
> still doing things, without it having other script-visible effects.

To me, defining a new "time of completion" for a page which can be delayed
independently of the document load event seems heavy-handed --- adding
something new for which there isn't a clear need.

The particular API above makes it easy for calls to be mismatched in subtle
> ways, which would be hard to debug. I'd recommend doing this with an
> interface:
> delay = document.delayCompletion();
> ...
> delay.finished();
> That way, you can simply call finished() anywhere your process can finish,
> without having to worry about calling it too many times.

That would be perfectly acceptable, although it seems a little
overcomplicated to me.

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