In a discussion about a "click to play/pause" feature for Opera on Android, the issue of click event handlers came up.[1] The problem is that pages can do things like this:

v.onclick = function() {
  if (v.paused) {;
  } else {
  // no preventDefault()

I created a demo [2] and it is indeed the case that this makes <video controls> unusable in both Presto and Chromium based browsers. Simon Pieters has brought this up before, but the spec wasn't changed at that point.[3]

While my demo may be on the hypothetical side, we do want users to be able to bring up the native controls via a context menu and be able to use them regardless of what the page does in its event handlers. So, I request that the spec be explicit that interacting with the video controls does not cause the normal script-visible events to be fired.

[3] (search for "As with the post Simon cites above")

Philip Jägenstedt
Opera Software

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