On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Nicholas Shanks <cont...@nickshanks.com> wrote:
> Am I missing something? I assume you want to basically send a whole
> bunch of files down the pipe when any one of them is requested, not
> send the individual file's bytestream from a zip. If so, then why is
> this not acceptable:
> ===
> <a href="http://website.example/game.webzip/load.html";>Load Game</a>
> GET http://website.example/game.webzip/load.html
> Accept: application/webzip, */*;q=0.1  # UA supports looking inside zips
> 200 OK
> Content-Type: application/webzip
> Content-Location: /game.webzip  # server knows to send zip
> -- vs. --
> <a href="http://website.example/game.webzip/load.html";>Load Game</a>
> GET http://website.example/game.webzip/load.html
> Accept: text/html, */*;q=0.1  # no support
> 200 OK
> Content-Type: text/html
> Content-Location: /game.webzip_files/load.html  # server knows file
> resides elsewhere
> ===

This is a pretty interesting suggestion, but I think the setup is too
complicated. Even setting a simple header such as
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * is a problem.


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