Regarding fallback:
- when zip files are blocked by a firewall
- when light browsers don't have enough resource to load a big zip file
- when browser don't support a specific package format (jar, tgz...)

In the solution mentioned with <link> tag and a "pack:" like scheme

<link id="pack1" rel="package" src="/" type="application/zip" 
title="My app global resources">


<img src="pack:pack1/graph1.png">

The browser could probably try an alternative url, per resource originally 
meant to be packed, like

Accept: image/*

It would be up to the server using packages to make this alternative link 
And it would still work with media fragments using the query form

GET /,120,320,240

On 29 août 2013, at 12:02, Alexandre Morgaut wrote:

> Such concept make me think to something I already saw long time ago:
> -
> - 
> -
> I liked the possibility to declare link resources to refer to, you were 
> potentially able to load multiple archives depending of the layer logic of 
> the app/site the same way you would do with image sprites or concatenated JS 
> files
> ex:
> - framework layer
> - app / site layer
> - interface / page layer
> Using the "packages" attribute made in my opinion this granularity still 
> possible but harder
> With <link> tags you were able to put distinct ones in HTML templates while 
> you can't with the "packages" attribute
> Regarding internal links there is an existing scheme used in MHTML: "cid:" 
> and "mid:"
> -
> -
> (note: a scheme to consider for the URL API?)
> But they may not be the best one to use
> I looked also at the "res:" microsoft scheme but their use of "#" to target 
> sub resource is an issue preventing good support of media fragments
> It also has a bad history with security issues
> -
> -
> -
> Something I'd find interesting would be
> have a "package" or "resources"  link type able to link to few standard 
> archive formats (zip, jar, tar, tgz...) to be decided (gz already standard in 
> ex:
> <link id="pack1" rel="package" src="/" type="application/zip" 
> title="My app global resources">
> and then be able to refer to any of the package file via the link tag id 
> using a global package specific scheme
> ex:
> <img src="pack:pack1/graph1.png">
> Media fragments should still work on such URL but it might be required, or at 
> least recommended, to specify the MIME type in the tag as it won't be 
> provided by HTTP. Of course the browser can still automatically define it 
> from the extension if not specified as the HTTP server does
> <img src="pack:pack1/graph1.png#xywh=160,120,320,240">
> or a bit safer
> <img src="pack:pack1/graph1.png#xywh=160,120,320,240" type="image/png">
> If we don't to create a new scheme,
> - the "cid:" one may be used considering the Content-ID as defined by the 
> link id + the sub resource path
> <img src="cid:pack1/graph1.png">
> - the "mid:" one may be used considering the Message-ID as defined by the 
> link id and the Content-ID as the sub resource path
> <img src="mid:pack1/graph1.png">
> It would mean creating a RFC updating the 2392 RFC instead of creating a new 
> one from scratch
> -> an issue being that "cid:" and "mid: "don't expect fragments and I think 
> that nothing prevent a Content-ID to contain a "#" in a MIME mail or MHTML 
> file, so the URL API may have little more complex check to do to correctly 
> fill the URL object properties (current context, existing package link in 
> header...)
> For such solution the link "rel" attribute value and the URL scheme name 
> should meet a global adoption. I think that we should try to make them much 
> related to each other if possible
> Another point I found interesting to think of:
> The same way debuggers like Web Inspector allow to inspect cookies and web 
> storages, they should be able to list packages, list them by id used as keys 
> and show:
> - their size
> - their archive format
> - their description (from the "title" attribute)
> - the list of their files (preferably supporting internal folder hierarchy)
> On 28 août 2013, at 15:32, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> A couple of us have been toying around with the idea of making zip
>> archives first-class citizens on the web. What we want to support:
>> * Group a bunch of JavaScript files together in a single resource and
>> refer to them individually for upcoming JavaScript modules.
>> * Package a bunch of related resources together for a game or
>> applications (e.g. icons).
>> * Support self-contained packages, like Flash-ads or Flash-based games.
>> Using zip archives for this makes sense as it has broad tooling
>> support. To lower adoption cost no special configuration should be
>> needed. Existing zip archives should be able to fit right in.
>> The above means we need URLs for zip archives. That is:
>> <img src="... ... image.gif">
>> should work. As well as
>> <iframe src="... ... test.html"></iframe>
>> and test.html should be able to contain URLs that reference other
>> resources inside the zip archive.
>> We have thought of three approaches for zip URL design thus far:
>> * Using a sub-scheme (zip) with a zip-path (after !):
>> zip:!image.gif
>> * Introducing a zip-path (after %!):!image.gif
>> * Using media fragments:
>> High-level drawbacks:
>> * Sub-scheme: requires changing the URL syntax with both sub-scheme
>> and zip-path.
>> * Zip-path: requires changing the URL syntax.
>> * Fragments: fail to work well for URLs relative to a zip archive.
>> Fragments are conceptually the cleanest as the only part of a URL
>> that's supposed to depend on the Content-Type is the fragment.
>> However, if you want to link to an ID inside an HTML resource you'd
>> have to do #path=test.html&id=test which would require adding
>> knowledge to the HTML resource that it is contained in a zip archive
>> and have special processing based on that. And not just HTML, same
>> goes for CSS or JavaScript.
>> I'm not sure we need to consider sub-scheme if zip-path can work as
>> it's more complex and not very well thought out. E.g. imagine
>> view-source:zip:!test.html. (I hope we never
>> need to standardize view-source and that it can be restricted to the
>> address bar in browsers.)
>> zip-path makes zip archive packaging by far the easiest. If we use %!
>> as separator that would cause a network error in some existing
>> browsers (due to an illegal %), which means it's extensible there,
>> though not backwards compatible.
>> We'd adjust the URL parser to build a zip-path once %! is encountered.
>> And relative URLs would first look if there's a zip-path and work
>> against that, and use path otherwise.
>> Fetching would always use the path. If there's a zip-path and the
>> returned resource is not a zip archive it would cause a network error.
>> As for nested zip archives. Andrea suggested we should support this,
>> but that would require zip-path to be a sequence of paths. I think we
>> never went to allow relative URLs to escape the top-most zip archive.
>> But I suppose we could support in a way that
>> %!!test.html
>> goes one level deeper. And "../image.gif" in test.html looks in the
>> enclosing zip. And "../../image.gif" in test.html looks in the
>> enclosing zip as well because it cannot ever be relative to the path,
>> only the zip-path.
>> --

Alexandre Morgaut
Wakanda Community Manager

60, rue d'Alsace
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