On 2014-11-03 17:42, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Sharing/API has a sketch for what a very
minimal Sharing API could look like.

I have often pondered the same when seeing a "Share" button or icon on a webpage. Some solutions have a single icon that pops up a menu, while other sites has a row of the most common social sites.

In retrospect however I realize that any Share API would be no different than how people currently share or bookmark things. A worthy goal would be to help developers de-clutter websites from all those share icons we see today, so if this could be steered towards that it would be great.

There are two ways to do this that I'd recommend.

A link element in the header, maybe call it <link rel="share" href="http://example.com/article/12345/"; /> or <link rel="share" /> if the current url (or the canonical url link if present) should be used, although I guess in a way rel="share" will probably replace the need to use rel="canonical" in the long run.

Then browser devs can simply utilize that info in their own Share UI (which presumably is tied into the accounts set up on the device/machine in some way). A browser UI could provide a nice looking and device friendly way to add/edit/remove social services that have sharing capabilities (Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc.)

If the share link is missing this does not mean the page can not be shared, in that case it should be treated as a page is normally treated today, the share link is just a browser hint as to the ideal link to use when sharing this page.

Also note that using the link element allows the possibility of using "hreflang" to present multiple share links (one international aka English and one in the language of the page), or use "media" to provide multiple share links for different types of devices.

There already is a link rel="search " so a rel="share" just makes sense IMO. It certainly will get rid of the clutter of share icons and buttons on websites (over time), those can be a pain to click on using touch devices (without zooming first), a browser Share UI could easily be hidden on the edge and make se of swipe left from edge or swipe right from edge (or top/bottom etc.) or use gestures to open a Share UI. Some of those share icons may fail to list the social network the user prefer (like email for example) but if that is all setup in the browser then the user can share it at one (or multiple) social services just the way they like it.

Also note that "title" can be applied to such a share link as well, thus providing a suggested title the browser can choose (or not) to use when sharing it. Any icons/logo is either taken from the icon/logo of the current page or from the href linked page (and whatever icon/logo that may have).

Existing services like AddThis or ShareThis (two of the more popular ones I believe?) should be able to access the link rel="share" params via javascript (to access hreflang and media and title) so they will still remain competitive solutions; I aløso believe there are browser plugins for these two services as well and the browser can/could provide the rel="share" link to those types of plugins.

Also note that there can be multiple link rel="share" and that if allowed when speced that rel="share" could be allowed to be global, that way the links to be shared could be inline in the document thus part of the content and useable by the user which is always ideal.

Anyway, I'll shut up now before I veer way off topic here.

Roger "Rescator" Hågensen.
Freelancer - http://www.EmSai.net/

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