> On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Elliott Sprehn <espr...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Adding a whole new attribute for this seems like overkill, why not use the
> rel.
> <link rel="icon mask" href="..." sizes="...">
> That's what the rel list was designed for.

In general, rel values are supposed to be orthogonal, they should not modify 
each other’s meanings. rel=“alternate stylesheet” and rel=“shortcut icon” are 
two specific historical exceptions. But rel=“license help” means the link is 
both the license and the help for the page, not that it’s help about the 
license or anything like that.

So I don’t think it would be a good pattern to use the rel value for this.

It also wouldn’t solve the immediate problem with browsers getting the wrong 
icon because sites didn’t carefully set the correct order. Perhaps we don’t 
care about solving that, but if so, I’m not sure it’s an improvement.

 - Maciej

> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Edward O'Connor <eocon...@apple.com>
> wrote:
>> When <link> is used to pull in external resources, authors may use
>> several attributes as hints about the linked resource to help UAs decide
>> whether or not to load it.
>> ...
>> This combines well with the other resource hints we already have:
>>    <link rel=icon href=mask.svg type=image/svg+xml sizes=any mask>
>> There are any number of properties UAs might want to use when deciding
>> whether or not to load a resource, so you might think we shouldn't add a
>> new, one-off attribute every time we identify one. Instead, we could add
>> a generic hints attribute and have it take a space-separated list of
>> advisory info about the resource.
> That space separated list already exists, it's called rel.
> - E

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