> On Jun 15, 2015, at 5:40 PM, Justin Dolske <dol...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hmm, I suppose Elliott's proposal is a bit ambiguous, but I read it as
> fixing the ordering issue by adding a separate "mask" rel value. Such that
> the following are equivalent and independent of ordering:
> A) <link rel=icon href=colorful.png><link rel=mask href=black.svg>
> B) <link rel=mask href=black.svg><link rel=icon href=colorful.png>
> And if  someone actually did want the same icon for both, they could do:
> C) <link rel="icon mask" href=blackhole.svg>

That isn’t how I interpreted Elliot’s proposal. 

That said, if we do make a new standalone rel value for mask icons, I would 
suggest "mask-icon" or something like that instead of "mask", since mask is too 
generic a term.

 - Maciej

> Justin
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Elliott Sprehn <espr...@chromium.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Adding a whole new attribute for this seems like overkill, why not use
>> the
>>> rel.
>>> <link rel="icon mask" href="..." sizes="...">
>>> That's what the rel list was designed for.
>> In general, rel values are supposed to be orthogonal, they should not
>> modify each other’s meanings. rel=“alternate stylesheet” and rel=“shortcut
>> icon” are two specific historical exceptions. But rel=“license help” means
>> the link is both the license and the help for the page, not that it’s help
>> about the license or anything like that.
>> So I don’t think it would be a good pattern to use the rel value for this.
>> It also wouldn’t solve the immediate problem with browsers getting the
>> wrong icon because sites didn’t carefully set the correct order. Perhaps we
>> don’t care about solving that, but if so, I’m not sure it’s an improvement.
>> - Maciej
>>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Edward O'Connor <eocon...@apple.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> When <link> is used to pull in external resources, authors may use
>>>> several attributes as hints about the linked resource to help UAs decide
>>>> whether or not to load it.
>>>> ...
>>>> This combines well with the other resource hints we already have:
>>>>   <link rel=icon href=mask.svg type=image/svg+xml sizes=any mask>
>>>> There are any number of properties UAs might want to use when deciding
>>>> whether or not to load a resource, so you might think we shouldn't add a
>>>> new, one-off attribute every time we identify one. Instead, we could add
>>>> a generic hints attribute and have it take a space-separated list of
>>>> advisory info about the resource.
>>> That space separated list already exists, it's called rel.
>>> - E

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