<logo> sounds nice to me. 

As far as we move onto standarized browsers and mobile devices as the
way we connect to the web, the proposed <logo> could be equal to the
reference or representation shown in _svg=icon _or_ link-rel="ico"_ 

Just thinking. 


Delfi Ramirez

My digital signature [1]

+34 633 589231
 del...@segonquart.net [2] 

twitter: delfinramirez

 IRC: segonquart Skype: segonquart [3]

http://segonquart.net [4]


On 2015-06-30 11:48, Martin Janecke wrote: 

> On 30.06.15 03:18, Garrett Smith wrote:
> On 6/29/15, Barry Smith <bearzt...@live.com> wrote: From: "Garrett Smith" 
> <dhtmlkitc...@gmail.com> Hey Garrett, My apologizes for not replying until 
> now. When I posted my reply to the "Site-Wide Heading Element" thread, you 
> were right and I should have posted a more complete example. Here is what I 
> should have given as an example: <header id="banner"> <script 
> src="scripts/header.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <noscript> <div 
> class="styledText"> <div class="letterM">M</div> <div class="word">y</div> 
> </div> <div class="styledText"> <div class="letterW">W</div> <div 
> class="word">eb</div> </div> <div class="styledText"> <div 
> class="letterS">S</div> <div class="word">ite</div> </div> </noscript> 
> </header> Using the <div> element for purely stylistic purposes. Placing them 
> within the <noscript> element displays the exact same header as is in the 
> embedded <script> element, but without the additional animation used in the 
> javascript file. I would use an H1 with text-transform
capitalize and avoid using divs and javascript.

I agree with avoiding JavaScript. I am not sure about text-transform,
because I don't know which styling the author had in mind. He may want
to color every word's first letter differently.

<div> is actually a neutral "block" element. The neutral "inline"
element <span> would seem like the better choice to wrap letters or
single words in the example. But you could wrap the whole line into one

I would not use <h1> because "My Website" is neither a heading for the
content of the page (unless maybe on the front page or a sitemap) nor
for a section of the page. It could be intended as a title for the whole
website, i.e. all its pages together, or as some kind of logo or
branding. I don't think we have a dedicated element for either of these

Let's assume we would introduce a new element with the meaning "title
for the entirety of pages of a website". How would this be interpreted,
if such an element is used with different content on different pages of
the same website? I think such an element would cause inconsistencies
all the time. It isn't a good idea.

Let's assume we would introduce a new element with the meaning "logo,
branding". What would its benefits be compared to <div>? And would
authors still want to use it if add-blockers get a little more
aggressive and offer the option to block logos?



[1] http://delfiramirez.info/public/dr_public_key.asc
[2] mail:%20del...@segonquart.net
[3] skype:segonquart
[4] http://segonquart.net
[5] http://delfiramirez.info

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