maybe this kind of approach may be useful:

Producing Certified Functional Code from Inductive Specifications'12).pdf


2014-05-09 11:18 GMT+02:00 Guillaume Melquiond <

> On 09/05/2014 10:42, Jean-Jacques Levy wrote:
>  Yes, it is fair, since the logic of Why3 already assumes it.
>>> In practice, I never had to assume it though, when doing a Coq proof.
>>> Indeed, most of the predicates I get from Why3 are trivially boolean in
>>> nature, and thus do not need excluded middle.
>> what do you mean by "most of the predicates I get from Why3 are trivially
>> boolean in nature" ? In the Coq files that I get from Why3, I see Coq
>> ‘Prop’s translated from Why3 predicates!!
> Sure, Why3 is using Prop for predicates, but that does reduce in any way
> their expressiveness. Suppose you have the following predicate P:
> Definition P (x : Z) : Prop := (0 <= x /\ x <= 5)%Z.
> As a user, you can easily define a (P_bool : Z -> bool) function and prove
> the following lemma:
> Lemma P_spec : forall x : Z, P x <-> P_bool x = true.
> And you don't need excluded middle to prove it. That is what I mean when I
> say that most predicates coming from Why3 are boolean in nature (even if
> they are in Prop).
> In an ideal world, Why3 would directly generate the boolean version of the
> predicates. Unfortunately, there are two shortcomings. First, if you are
> not an SSReflect user, boolean predicates are a pain to use in Coq. Second,
> the logic of Why3 supports some predicates that are not boolean in nature:
> inductive predicates. And because of that, all the predicates have to be in
> Prop.
> Best regards,
> Guillaume
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