Frank Bille wrote:
I think for completeness we should have:

d) Throw a RuntimeException when nested forms are detected, because
it's not allowed in HTML.
No we shouldn't. If you want to discuss this, go ahead, but in a different thread. :)


But personally I vote for (C)


On 11/6/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
imho it is the inner forms that knowsif they were designed to be embeddable
or not, so i am for (c)


On 11/6/06, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> As you may have noticed, we have nested forms support in Wicket 2.0.
> (Please, this is not about whether we should/should not support nested
> forms, so don't discuss it in this thread).
> The question is, what should happen with inner forms, when outer forms
> are submitted.
> a) Inner forms should be processed, calling onSubmit() on each of them
> b) Inner forms should not be processed, just preserving user input is
> fine.
> c) Make this configurable per form,
> e.g. each form would have method like processOnParentSubmit(), which
> could return true, which would cause this form to be processed, when a
> form in parent hierarchy is submitted.
> I vote for C.
> -Matej

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