if i missed something you guys feel free to pipe in.

Well, just that in fact we started out using other libraries. From the
very start, Wicket's ajax support was setup independently from any
concrete javascript library. The first implementation was based on
DOJO after some unsuccessful experimentation with another library.
DOJO worked fine for us to start with, but like Igor outlined, we had
to bend our API and DOJO towards each other, which got to be a major

So what we did, and what you see today, is we created a default,
Wicket supported, implementation that directly binds with the API we
have, and which is pretty minimal (only does what we need for Wicket).
But everyone can build their own implementations on it, which you can
for instance see in projects wicket-contrib-dojo and
wicket-contrib-scriptaculous (and potentially wicket-contrib-yui), all
of which reside in wicket-stuff.


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