On 2/12/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for eelco: you had to disable both methods! (objectToByte and byteToObject)
> For now i enabled both so that it gets tested as much as possible the coming
> few days

Ok, we can keep it in for a few days, but it has to improve quite a
bit before it's ready for real world use.

Actually, we should abstract it so that the handling is plug-gable. It
would be great if clients can decide whether they want to use JDK's
default, jboss, xstream or maybe our custom scheme.

Support for XStream might be a bit difficult actually. The easiest
thing for us to do would to have a setting or factory method that
produced the type of ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream that should
be used.



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