On 4/19/07, Jonathan Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

don't forget that a javascript decorator isa JavaScript, so you can nest
them arbitrarily:

yeah, i think this is exactly what threw me off in the first place. all your
examples were actually extending, but what you needed was an interface so
you can wrap and return the same thing

IWicketAjaxCall { // whatever initially returns this will be instanceof
JavaScript as well
  JavaScript getOnSuccessScript();
  JavaScript getOnFailureScript();
  JavaScript getCallScript();

now that a structure like that is defined i think you can start decorating
things properly. this is exactly what IAjaxCallDecorator does, but all your
examples with inheritance threw me off into thinking in a different
direction. just have to take JavaScript at face value, a utility to manage a
javascript string, nothing more. i kept thinking there is more to it.

now if we also do:
IWicketAjaxCall { // whatever initially returns this will be instanceof
JavaScript as well
   interface ICallbackUrl { void addParam(String,String); }

  JavaScript getOnSuccessScript();
  JavaScript getOnFailureScript();

  JavaScript getCallScript(ICallbackUrl);

we should also be able to add arbitrary parameters to the callback url which
will nicely link in with decoration.


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