Ok, let's go for it then. Who's taking it up?


On 6/5/07, Matej Knopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm definitely +1 for metadata. The thread locals are clumsy and
extremely dangerous.


On 6/5/07, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > But i also need it for other stuff that are specific to specific
> > > implementations of certain things
> > > for example the AccessStackStore doesn't need such a thread locale but
> > SLC
> > > does..
> >
> > Fair enough. So you would use such a 'bag' in request cycle to store
> > stuff like dirtyObjects (session)? Aren't you afraid this will open up
> > a new can of worms (users misusing this facility rather then providing
> > their own request cycle implementation for instance)?
> Isn't that the problem we also should then have on Session or Component?
> And i don't see it miss used a lot (at least all the examples i get from
> people here on the lists/web)
> also don't think that will happen a lot because most people (you and me
> included!) like
> to have a simple get/setter. But the problem is that we as the framework
> just can't do that
> for specific/default implementations of stuff. Then Requestcycle would
> become polluted.
> The nice thing about metadata is (compare to a pure put/get like hashmap)
> then they can be generified
> so with java5 you don't have to cast

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