Actually there is also a protected internalDestroy (still not final
though) which calls destroy so why not put callDestroyers there ?


On 6/20/07, Sean Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/20/07, Al Maw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From the Application#destroy() javadoc:
> /**
> * Called when wicket servlet is destroyed.
> * Overrides do not have to call super.
> */
> protected void destroy()
> {
>     callDestroyers();
> }
> That's not ideal - surely we want to be certain the destroyers are called?
> I think we should make this method final, and provide an onDestroy()
> hook that is called within it.
> Regards,
> Al
> --
> Alastair Maw
> Wicket-biased blog at

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