Gili wrote:

ExternalLinks are HTML links embedded within a Page whereas RedirectPage is a standalone Page that is executed on the client-end and redirects them to a page.

Yes. But the point here is, that you can use the RedirectPage to direct the browser to an external location from the server side (e.g. in an onSubmitHandler, or a tree selection) as opposed to just having a static link.

Personally I find RedirectPage rather useless in its current form. I think we're better off having it a Wiki entry as opposed to shipping it as part of core.

If find that funny, as I specifically built in an extra parameter you prosposed to cater your wishes...



Les Pruszynski wrote:

Hello guys,
Going through Wicket class hierarchy I realised that we have two classes that serve similar purposes (see below). Shouldn't they be merged into one? What do you think?

public class *ExternalLink*
extends WebMarkupContainer <>

A simple anchor link (<a href="http://url";>) pointing to any URL. Usually this is used for links to destinations outside of Wicket.

public final class *RedirectPage*
extends WebPage <>

Page that let the browser redirect. Use this if you want to direct the browser to some external URL, like Google etc. or if you want to redirect to a Wicket page, but with a delay.


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