On 8/12/05, Dan Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got an unusual use-case for a page and I'm confused about how to
> accomplish this in Wicket.  However, it seems to be that it should be
> completely doable, even if I need to hack some stuff a bit.
> I have a page, (say, http://www.foo.com/foo).  Every time I come back to
> that page, it should generate a completely new version.  So, even if I use
> the back button, it should load a new one (I assume I can set META
> HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="0" to force this to happen in most
> browsers).
> However, I want a link on the page to "see previous version".  This should
> let you go back to a small number of previous versions.  I'm fine with
> only allowing people to go back as far as there's stuff in the Wicket
> pagemap.
> Wicket-wizards: Any idea how I can do this?

This is what I am currently trying to do. I do not like that Wicket
creates a new instance of component each time when I navigate to it. I
started with SignIn example. I store list of "recent" pages in my own
map in the Application object. When I am about to show SignIn page I
check if instance of this class is already instantiated, and I show
this one. This works great.

But I got some problems. First, when session expires I get NPE *after*
I check instance for null. What is weird is that if I start MSIE after
I get the exception if Firefox, MSIE shows exactly same exception. So,
it may be session-related but it propagates outside of session. I
think it is strange since Application object is nested within Session

Another thing: I now need a link with initializing parameter, which
will tell Page to reset its data. I check this parameter in
WebRequestCycle or what it is called (don't have time to look in the
source right now). Parameter is checked ok, but then I want to set
"mustReset" field in the Page. I added this field to the Page class.
So, seems that it does not work, or I update a different instance.
This is what I will have to resolve.

Basically, I want to get the same result as I have in my Struts Dialogs library:
See that link contains DIALOG-EVENT-INIT parameter, which allows to
reset the component. If you run demo you will see that I have two
types of links: to navigate to current component, and to initialize

In my case I can have only one instance of ActionForm anyway, so
separate initializing parameter is actually not needed. But in case of
Wicket I need separate parameter to initialize the component.


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