At the very least, someone should review contrib, identify classes offering overlapping functionality (there were a few the last time I checked) and try standardizing some of this stuff. Right now it is somewhat confusing for new users to understand when to use what.

Wicket-core is well designed and organized. Wicket-contrib is far more ad-hoc.


Nathan Hamblen wrote:
Then what was Jonathan Locke talking about in this post from August?

If he hadn't implied there that a hibernate dependency was possible in extensions, I wouldn't have started this discussion. wicket-stuff works as the laboratory it's intended to be, but it's not a good place to send brand new wicket users. Look at this page, if it will even load:
(it's a jungle)

I understand that review of the code in would be required. That's just what I'm asking for: review it, merge it with contrib.database, do whatever you want, but recognize that this stuff is at least as important as the AJAX integration that you've already put in to 1.1 . Maybe it won't get you buzz, but it will help you keep programmers.


Martijn Dashorst wrote:


We won't put a hibernate or spring dependency into extensions. *Maybe* the things that are in wicket-contrib-data (note the absence of a specific product), but there definetely needs to be some reviewing of what is good and what is bad before we upgrade things into extensions.

The dataview has been drawing some attention on the core development team, so that one is
currently on our horizon.

As for Hibernate/Spring/etc. There are a number of reasons why the won't be introduced into core.

On of them is that they are/depend on libraries that are not compatible with the Apache licence. One of the reasons we created the wicket-stuff project is for that reason. In that project any open source licence goes, as long as it is stated clearly under which license the component (library) is released.

In Wicket core, Apache 2, or compatible licensed code is the only license we permit.

Martijn Dashorst

On 10/13/05, *Nathan Hamblen* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Fine. What about extensions?

    Phil Kulak wrote:
> Oh, well, I agree that the hibernate stuff should not be in the core.
     > On 10/13/05, Nathan Hamblen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
     >> One thing I mean by integration is a built-in loadable
    detachable model
     >> for Hibernate mapped objects, like what's in and
     >> contrib.database. After that, you need an easy way for people to
    fill up
     >> list views with query results. If there weren't a use for base
     >> that help in these tasks, the several contributed ones would not
>> This isn't really a "tier" argument (thank God), it's about giving
     >> people a starting point and suggested structure for accessing a
     >> in a Wicket application. Pretty basic stuff if you ask me, and I
    do not
>> think that a pile of contributed packages and examples is much of a
     >> solution.
     >> Nathan
     >> Nick Heudecker wrote:
     >>> I have to agree with Igor here.  I didn't have to do anything
     >>> when I started using Wicket.  The DAOs and Service tier that I
    had in
     >>> place worked fine.
     >>> It could be argued that if you're integrating Hibernate at the
     >>> level, something is wrong in your design.  However, I
    understand that
>>> for simple apps, multiple tiers is overkill. Things like Spring's
     >>> OpenSessionInViewFilter still work, or you can roll your own
    filter and
     >>> have it set the session in the WebSession.
     >>> Perhaps I'm confused on what you mean by integration.
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