This "Markup not found" exception thing is extremely misleading and think needs addressing if Wicket is seriously aiming at going mainstream. In my early days of Wicket I struggled so much with it. It can happen because the markup really doesn't exist but also sometimes when there is an error in your markup that wicket can't really point to, in others words can't parse the xhtml. Only when Wicket can point to the error wil it tell you there is an error in your html by pointing directly to where the error is. I think the exceptions catching  in wicket core could do better. If this is not considered to be addressed at the framework core, then I think we should start compiling scenarios from our own experiences when this exception was thrown. This could save newbies to Wicket a lot of frustrations and time.


On 10/25/05, Nick Heudecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been staring at this for hours, but can't figure out what would cause a "Markup not found" error when the markup does in fact exist at the correct location.  What other error conditions could cause this problem?  Thanks.

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