You mean for tag text, correct? <span wicket:message="hello.message" />

What do you think about <wicket:message key=".."/>.  Than it is clear
that the whole label is wicket specific,

<span wicket:message="key"> is a bit dangerous because how would we
handle <span wicket:id="myLabel" wicket:message="key">?


On 11/9/05, Dorel Vaida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Juergen Donnerstag wrote:
> >I'm all for making things easier for the user.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Perhaps Wicket could have something like this:
> >><span wicket:id="message:myLabelHere"></span>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I'm not sure this makes sense. wicket:id is not a text to be displayed
> >anywhere. It is a name which identifies a component. It definitely
> >won't work.
> >
> >
> Actually, maybe this is not the solution but a way to specify i18n
> message keys directly in the html through a wicket tag would be VERY
> handy. Now, in a project I'm working on,  for a i18n input form, half of
> the form elements are i18n labels that I add to the form in java code.
> Instead of add(new I18nLabel("lbl", "hello.mesage")) and <span
> wicket:id="lbl" /> it would be more handy to have 'something like' <span
> wicket:message="hello.message" ></span> or <wicket:message
> key="hello.message" />,  w/o poluting java code with i18n keys if it's
> not necessary (like when you need to compose complex  i18n messages
> which would be done from the code).
> Just a thought :-) (or maybe I am too intoxicated with
> Struts/Webwork/SpringMVC :-D. I am trying to get rid of it you know.)
> >
> >
> >>Even better would be that it would recognize the message:label anywhere in
> >>the HTML.  So for example, you could have:
> >><input type="submit" value="message:label.submit" />
> >>
> >>
> >
> >That I think is possible. Acutally you can do it today already without
> >any changes to the core. You need to develop a IMarkupFilter and
> >append it to the list of existing ones invoked by MarkupFilter.
> >
> >However you won't be able to handle "message: ...." within a tag body;
> >only tag attributes. How does Tapestry do it for body text?
> >
> >An other option would be to run a kind of text based (not xml based)
> >pre-processor (like we do merging of inherited markup) prior to adding
> >the markup to the cache.
> >
> >How likely is it that you'll find "message:" and it is not intended to
> >be a i18n text? How to escape it?
> >
> >Lets say your message must contain a reference some other data, e.g.
> >"...${price}...". That won't be possible either. Only simple text. As
> >AttributeModifier is already able to handle it, "message:.." would be
> >for easy and straight forward replacements only, and AttributeModifer
> >to cover everything else.
> >
> >Ah, and of course you loose preview capabilities, as the designer
> >won't the real message, he'd see "message:..." only.
> >
> >And it might not the perfekt solution for high-speed up, because of
> >the (little) performance penalties involved. For high-speed up you can
> >still have myPage_en.html; myPage_nl.html etc may which as well cover
> >minor changes in the layout due to labels being of differents length;
> >right-to-left languages etc.
> >
> >Juergen
> >
> >On 11/8/05, Andrew Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>In my app I never hard-code text so I'm constantly adding Labels to my
> >>pages.  I was wondering if it would make sense to have a shortcut, similar
> >>to how Tapestry does it, for dsplaying localization messages.  In Tapestry,
> >>you can do this: title="message:page-title", where page-title is the lookup
> >>into the property file.
> >>
> >>Perhaps Wicket could have something like this:
> >><span wicket:id="message:myLabelHere"></span>
> >>
> >>Even better would be that it would recognize the message:label anywhere in
> >>the HTML.  So for example, you could have:
> >><input type="submit" value="message:label.submit" />
> >>
> >>Thoughts?
> >>
> >>--Andrew
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
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