This is wrong
            <span wicket:id="subLabel">sub label</span>


must be
            <span wicket:id="subLabel">sub label</span>


On 11/10/05, Ramnivas Laddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to use wicket:extend mechanism to share common functionality between pages and it seem to work only with one level of hierarchy. When I add another level, I get error (pasted below). Am I doing something incorrectly?

Here is code to reproduce the behavior:
        <span wicket:id="baseLabel">base label</span>

            <span wicket:id="subLabel">sub label</span>


            <p>Sub sub</p>
package com.aspectivity.wicket.bugs;

import wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;

public class Base extends WebPage {
    public Base() {
        add(new Label("baseLabel", "This is label added by base"));
package com.aspectivity.wicket.bugs;

import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;

public class Sub extends Base {
    public Sub() {
        add(new Label("subLabel", "This is label added by sub"));
package com.aspectivity.wicket.bugs;

public class SubSub extends Sub {

With this code, I get the following exception:

wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException: Markup of type 'html' for component 'com.aspectivity.wicket.bugs.SubSub' not found. Enable debug messages for wicket.util.resource.Resource to get a list of all filenames tried:
[Page class = com.aspectivity.wicket.bugs.SubSub, id = 0]
at wicket.MarkupContainer.getAssociatedMarkupStream(
at wicket.Page.onRender(
at wicket.Component.render (
at wicket.Page.doRender(
at wicket.protocol.http.WebRequestCycle.redirectTo(
at wicket.RequestCycle.respond(
at wicket.RequestCycle.request(
at wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service (
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler.dispatch(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle (
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle (
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext( :961)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.handleConnection(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle( :300)
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$
Caused by: wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Expected to find <wicket:child/> in base markup
at wicket.markup.InheritedMarkupMerger.mergeMarkups (
at wicket.markup.MarkupCache.checkForMarkupInheritance(
at wicket.markup.MarkupCache.loadMarkup(
at wicket.markup.MarkupCache.loadMarkupAndWatchForChanges (
at wicket.markup.MarkupCache.getMarkup(
at wicket.markup.MarkupCache.getMarkupStream(
at wicket.markup.MarkupCache.getMarkupStream( :83)
at wicket.MarkupContainer.getAssociatedMarkupStream(
... 22 more

            <span wicket:id="subLabel">sub label</span>



Component Tree

Component tree for [Page class = com.aspectivity.wicket.bugs.SubSub, id = 0]:

# Path Type Model Object
1    baseLabel    wicket.markup.html.basic.Label    This is label added by base   
2    subLabel    wicket.markup.html.basic.Label    This is label added by sub  


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