On 1/17/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
this is not really feasible. the markup does not contain enough information about the component.

<span wicket:id="name"></span>

doesnt tell me what component i want to put in. is it a label? is it a panel? something else? does it have a default constructor? which constructor to use? which model?

This does give me an interesting idea for IDEA thou - a set of intentions/inspections and maybe a custom auto-completion (not sure how you do that yet thou) that, in the .java file looks up wicket:id's to autocomplete component id params with, and in the .html file, auto complete wicket:id's with unused labels from added components.

A set of inspection/intentions could check hirerachy as well.

Hmmmm - I really should get my JIRA plugin building again but this sounds like an interesting project in itself :)

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