>From within style.css the references to images is always local to the style.

So when I need to add a style.css to a wicket markup file, and I want previewability, I usually do something like this:

    <style src=""></wicket:remove>
<style src="">

On 2/13/06, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
some ideas

Make those resources also PackageResources so inside the src dir.
set a hard path ../../../ in Index.html to style.css and logo.png
And then fix that path at runtime


On 2/13/06, Tom S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At the moment I have following project structure:

+ [resources]
| + style.css
| + graphic/logo.png
+ [src]
   + [com.blabla.pages]
     + Index.java
     + Index.html

Index.html references style.css and graphic/logo.png relative to [resources]
(which is in the classpath) to ensure the resulting page can reach these
resources. But when editing the Index.html, they are not reachable, because
they are not available relative to the current package.

How do you manage such resources?


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