After reading everybody's posts and thinking what I myself would want to have in future wicket releases:

JDK 1.5 support is here for too long not to have it in. I know it's tough for the people who need to deploy on 1.4 in the future but Os is supposed to drive innovation. How to do it if wicket doesn't get all the marvels as generics and annotations in 1.5 while JDK 1.6 is almost beta ? It's gone too far :-), it's just my oppinion, please don't take it as a critique, it's not. I just believe that in the end 1.5 will bring a lot more good than bad to wicket users. And I suggest for us/others who will need 1.4 to use a "retrotranslated" ( is alive and kicking, is actively developed in contrast to retroweaver, and people report good experiences with it) version of a Wicket for JDK 1.5.

Martijn Dashorst wrote:


We are of course very busy finalizing Wicket 1.2, and we /really/ hope
to get it done soon. This will benefit everyone. So I want to take a
look beyond 1.2 and try to get some opinions on our roadmap, and
adjust where appropiate.

There are two very big things ahead of us:
- constructor refactor
       we have reached a limit to the support we want to provide
       for Ajax and javascript. In order to provide the best support
       we need to know the markup id before it is available. Many
       have been bitten by trying to retrieve an attribute from a
       component tag in the page constructor.
           We want to remedie this by removing the add() method,
       and replacing it with an extra parameter in the component
       constructor, which sets the parent of the component.

          public MyPage() {
               WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer("foo");
               c.add(new TextField("bar1"));
               c.add(new Label("bar2"));
               c.add(new Label("bar3"));

          will become:

          public MyPage() {
              WebMarkupContainer c = new WebMarkupContainer(this, "foo");
              new TextField(c, "bar1");
              new Label(c, "bar2");
              new Label(c, "bar3");

       This opens up a lot of better markup parsing strategies for the
       core. We know this is a major API break, but we feel it is necessary
       to implement it in order to move Wicket forward.

- java 5 support
       This is something a lot of people are waiting for. I understand that
       many people want, Igor states /need/, Java 5 support in Wicket.

       There is also a negative side to this. Some, or even many of you,
       can't move to java 1.5 as a server platform. We don't know how
       many users this affects. Please give a response when you can't
       move to 1.5. As Wicket is a volunteer effort, we can only support
       so many projects. Supporting both a 1.4 and 1.5 project will
       drain our resources too far, and won't be possible. So we have to
       make a choice.
The questions I'm seeking answers to are the following:

- should the post 1.2 version of Wicket involve both changes?
preferable not

- should we make different releases for either change, and thus
postponing 1.5 to
  Wicket 3?
- how many of you still require for current or future projects to run
on JDK 1.4?
I'm the fortunate one, I can choose the paltform in the majority of my company's projects. so go jdk1.5. I'm running 1.4 code on it anyway.

- how many would object to having a retroweaver build of a JDK 5 Wicket, which
  enables you to run 1.5 code on a 1.4 JRE?
If it passes all the tests I believe it's acceptable.

Thanks for your answers,
Thanks a lot wicket team for your efforts. It feels bad not having the time and skills to get involved in development.


Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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