I'm seeing this too. I have a page works properly but if I insert:

<div wicket:id="noImages" id="noImages">No images</div>

into my code suddenly I get a parsing error message from Wicket. It isn't identical to the one reported by Ayodeji. He got:

wicket.markup.MarkupException: Tag '<tr>' (line 40, column 21) has a
> mismatched close tag at '</table>' (line 184, column 17)

        whereas I get:

01:34:20,688 ERROR RequestCycle:964 - Expected close tag for <div wicket:id="noImages" id="noImages"> [markup = file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Gili/My%20Documents/blueeye/trunk/desktopbeautifier/Server/netbeans6.0/build/web/WEB-INF/classes/desktopbeautifier/web/gallery/Page.html, index = 88, current = [Raw markup]] wicket.markup.MarkupException: Expected close tag for <div wicket:id="noImages" id="noImages">

If I comment out the <div> from the HTML code it works fine. If I uncomment it, I get the above exception again. That's got to be a bug right? Also, I noticed I only get this exception if I bind the <div> to a WebComponent. If I bind it to a Label instead it works fine.

On an unrelated note, the junit tests fail on ObjectsTest; you might want to fix that.


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