The old DatePicker which didn't work in IE had in the documentation some
sample code for using it to load a textbox.  We also saw its use in the
FormInput example.

I know the new Calendar was just added to Wicket, and quite rapidly
after the problem with the old DatePicker was identified, I might add.
But could someone post a snippet of code showing how to use the new
Calendar component (e.g. to set a datestring into a textbox)?

Also, the concept of markup fragments (inline panels) sounds intriguing.
As anyone written anything about how these are used?  (Would I find much
about them in a search on this mailing list, for example?)

Thank you!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martijn
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 1:29 AM

I have uploaded a new snapshot release for a lot of Wicket projects:
Most notable changes to wicket:
 o new date picker (Yahoo), old datepicker has been deprecated
 o markup fragments (inline panels)

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