Here is a short update for all Wicket users and developers.

* Top level domain names
* New snapshots available
* Visit at a Wicket site


* Top level domain names

I have registered two toplevel domain names for the wicket project.
For now, we have them point to the sourceforge servers, but we are
looking at hosting options to have more cpu available for ourselves.

>From now on (for various values of now) you can refer to our homepage
using the following domain names:


Which one of these two feels better? (note: wicket.* was already taken
by some darn useless company).

* New snapshot avalailable

I have uploaded a new snapshot of all projects. It is quite possible
that the spring and authorization projects haven't been changed, with
the amount of release packages I tend to  just build and upload
everything, that is far less trouble than having to select all
packages separately.

* Visit at a Wicket site

Yesterday I had a great visit at the KNAW (, the
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. I had the whole
afternoon to present Wicket, and have great discussions on how to use
Wicket, and where Wicket is standing.

You have no idea how great it is to see other people working with your
project, see it in action and see them enjoying working with Wicket. I
think the afternoon was great, and well received.

The KNAW is developing a website that enables researchers to search
through scientific papers and books. The site also gives
administrators the ability to add new content to the search library.
It is still under heavy development and from what I have seen, it uses
many features of Wicket, I even haven't used.

One quote that I remember was: "We are using ajax, and we didn't even
have to write one letter of JavaScript"

Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst -

Wicket 1.1.1 is out:

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