I'm cc'ing the ops4j list, as they are the ones so far driving Wicket
integration with OSGi.

Comments below.

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 08:45 -0800, Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> > It would be cool if Wicket came with OSGi support itself. ;-)
> Indeed, and we'd be happy to have Wicket support it better if we get
> good suggestions :) If you have any, please submit.

Essentially, the OSGi standard provides for an HttpService. In practice,
it is (or at least can be) implemented with Jetty. However, the exposed
interface is a little different.


In my case, what I'm doing currently is not so different from what is
posted here:


However, it seems to me that it may not be such a bad idea for Wicket to
use the HttpService interface internally instead of directly using the
Jetty API, even if Wicket does not use OSGi. It may be a bit more
flexible, as the implementation could be changed later, not to mention
that OSGi support would be pretty much automatic. But that's not really
an important point.

The REALLY cool feature that would be like a dream come true for me
would be the ability to reuse panels and other components as reusable
OSGi bundles. Currently, each application is a separate bundle and must
include all the resources, so resources are packages multiple times, one
for each of the bundles that use them. In the spirit of "once and only
once", it would be great to have only one bundle per component, or maybe
one resource bundle that contains the components, or whatever.

Unfortunately, though, I don't know the internals of either Wicket or
OSGi well enough to give you any useful suggestions. I'm only a power
user. ;-)

Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional info. I'd
also be glad to chip into this endeavour if it does go forward.


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