have you seen GridView in extensions? it wraps the listview inside listview idea and adds paging, etc.

if you have a fixed set of columns for each row there is DataGridView or a higher level DataTable also in extensions.

there are examples of these in wicket-examples under repeaters.


On 4/4/06, Anders Peterson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> On 4/4/06, Anders Peterson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> That worked!
>> I also had to move the declaration of tmpInstrument to inside the
>> populateItem method (otherwise all rows were the same).
> not really sure what you mean here

I have two ListViews - one for the rows and one for the columns. The
tmpInstrument variable was declared as a member of the first ListView. I
only assigned new values to it in the populateItem method. That resulted
in all rows being equal. If I moved the declaration to inside the
populateItem method everything works as it should. (All code we've
discussed has been inside the populateItem method of the first ListView).

Object load() {
        return tmpInstrument.getCorrelations();

I created several "rows" each with its own LoadableDetachableModel, but
all of them referenced the same "tmpInstrument".


> Thanks!
>> (I feel this was a bit more complicated than it should be.)
>> Could this have been done with a CompoundPropertyModel and Loop:s
>> instead of ListView:s - using ognl like instrument[i].correlation[j] ?
> the problem is that if you give listview a list it will store that list in
> session. what you need is a way to tell it to pull the list every time it
> renders, thats what detachable models are for.
> -Igor

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