you have to use another listview inside a listitem
Because that is what you seem to do.

so something like
<tr wicket:id="outertable">
<td wicket:id="innertable"><span wicket:id="one_suggestion"></span></td>

and then the current listItem must add another ListView instance (called innertable)


On 4/5/06, Geertjan Wielenga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

Part of my code goes like this:

                        for (int k = 0; k < allsuggestions.size(); k++) {
                            String >(String)allsuggestions.get(k);
MultiLineLabel("one_suggestion", onesuggestion));

So, how do I render a new listitem for each iteration of this for loop?

Currently only the first item in the iteration is rendered.


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