A good example of this...and a very easy open source _javascript_ lib to use is called wz dragdrop:


Very non-invasive and easy to use!


On 4/9/06, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
dragging a panel around looks to me like a complete client side thing.
So you can use any _javascript_ library you find for this that does this platform independend for you,
And include that in the markup.


On 4/9/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Two questions:
Presently now without using _javascript_, can i build a floating Panel in Wicket which can be dragged around on the page?
I see Wicket and ECMAScript like Java and JNI.  Knowing when to use ECMAscript in ur development is important not assuming the wicket API will totally eradicate _javascript_ focus in development. I think according to wicket vision , focus on even areas like _javascript_ should be as minimal as possible.  i could use DW to generate ECMAScript for dragging a DIV but i dont think the _javascript_ code is cross platform and when i build my own custom wicket panels, i want to ensure the _javascript_ i use with the panel is also cross platform. Anyway that aside, my question is remains the same.

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