kurt heston schrieb:
I could probably extend one of the core wicket classes instead of HttpServlet and arrive at the same place, though I'm not sure it would be any more elegant.

A thought: Maybe PageParameters should be available for POST requests as well.

I don't know if it possible for a framework-client to handle requests at the required level...


Thanks for the help.

Timo Stamm wrote:
kurt heston schrieb:
I've got some legacy PDFs laying around that utilize the HTTP submit functionality available when using Acrobat fillable forms. The servlet I have answering these Acrobat requests saves off the field names and values submitted in a 3 column table (rec id, field name, value). We change the forms and add fields pretty often. Later, when a view of the filled form is requested, I fill it again with the database values using iText (which is BEYOND cool) and stream it to the browser. Simple enough.

I'm presently using this servlet's response object to just forward calls on to a Wicket bookmarkable page...pretty loose integration.

I think this loose integration is the best you can do. I am using quite a similar approach to integrate a legacy JSP based app and it works very well.

Any suggestions as to how I might "Wickefy" my servlet such that I can take advantage of things like Wicket session management an such when handling requests submitted via Acrobat?

What are you missing? The bookmarkable Page should have access to the Wicket session. Remember to forward the session id as well.


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