imagine this situation w/out the use of initializer

you have a cluster where you do not use sticky sessions

user comes to node A and requests a page. this page binds a bunch of resources that image components on this page need. browser starts to render one of these image components and makes a resource to the resource url it needs. this request now comes to node B of the cluster. on node B no one has ever accessed this page before so none of its resources have been bound yet, so now one of the images will get a 404.

the initializer makes sure that all resources are bound on all nodes at startup time not at first-access time so the situation above does not occur.

hope this is clear enough


On 5/10/06, smallufo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can somebody explain the purpose of PackageResource.bind() in IInitializer ?

I tried to remove PackageResource.bind(application , Foo.class , "bar.gif") in IInitializer
and ... keeps the following code intact in Page/Panel
add(new Image("myImage" , new PackageResourceReference(Foo.class, "bar.gif")));

and the whole application works fine , images correctly shown. (I am sure the IInitializer.init() is executed)

I just get confused. What is the purpose of PackageResource.bind in IInitializer ?
In the JavaDoc , it says for some reason about sticky session or cluster ... But I am still not clear...

If it is for the purpose of sticky session or cluster ... why do we need to duplicate some very similar code ?

I think
PackageResource.bind(application , Foo.class , "bar.gif")
and PackageResourceReference(Foo.class, "bar.gif")));
seems violate the DRY rule...

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