It doesn't matter if the Web-Layer is on a separate machin eor VM,
it just depends on the availability of a PersistenceContext, which is,
in all cases i encountered so far, equivalent to a EJB-Transaction.
I.e., while in a transaction, you are free to call /load any relations,
w/o getting nasty errors.
So if you don't use a Client-UserTransaction (which is possible, but not
recommended), a call to any SessionBean which returns any bean will
implicitly starts a transaction and closes it when the method returns.

So in order to have a "seam-like" behaviour, we should look at the EJB3
"Extended" PersistenceContext, that somehow allows re-attaching beans
(sorry, didn't use that stuff yet, so no experiences).

But still, for performance and concurrency reasons, the main point is:

*When do i start/end my transactions*

One might be tempted (as i was) to just wrap the whole requestcycle into
one transaction. That works fine, almost no headaches with lazy loading,
but really doesn't scale because transactions last too long.
So what i do right now is to have a layer of sepcialized gui-related
SessionBeans that return *completely initialized* beans, i.e. beans that
already have any collection loaded that will be needed in the page.
This is, of course, a pain in the a.., but right now i don't see any
other solution...


Johan Compagner wrote:
> What is that "client" where you talk about? Do you have a App server that
> contains the EJB and a App/Web server == client? that runs wicket?
> Why does this happen:
> Now if an Instance of BeanB is passed to a wicket component the following
> occurs
>    a) The BeanB instance is detached from the transaction context of the
> app server. There is no way to avoid this.
> ?? If i ask the persistence layer for BeanB does it open a session get B
> close the session and then return B?
> that would be awfull.
> johan
> On 6/1/06, Stefan Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dear suffering lazy loaders,
>> I want to start a new thread with a discussion that is focused on EJB3
>> (not Spring, not Hibernate) because all those "In Hibernate it works like
>> this..." hints are not helpful. To clearyfy this:
>> 1. EJB3 is NOT Hibernate. Yes, the EJB3 implementation of JBoss is based
>> upon Hibernate but other vendors do NOT use Hibernate.
>> 2. Since Wicket is platform independent, an EJB3 solution for Wicket
>> should be independent too.
>> 3. The Problem arises when a Bean references another bean as an object
>> through a relation: For Example
>>      SQL:
>>      create table A (id integer, value varchar(100)
>>      create table B (id integer, value varchar(100), ref_to_a integer)
>>      alter table B add constraint ArefB ref_to_a references A(id)
>>      JAVA
>>      @entity
>>      class BeanA ....
>>         public int getId()
>>         public void setId()
>>      @entiy
>>      class BeanB ...
>>           private BeanA;
>>           @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
>>           public BeanA getBeanA()
>>     Now if an Instance of BeanB is passed to a wicket component the
>> following occurs
>>     a) The BeanB instance is detached from the transaction context of the
>> app server. There is no way to avoid this.
>>     b) The instance of BeanB does not contain a complete BeanA
>>     c) The access of BeanB.getBeanA().getId will throw a
>> LazyInitaliaziationException
>> 4. It is not possible (correct me if I am wrong) to have a EJB3
>> transaction on the client. This means it is not possible to bring back
>> the
>> BeanB instance into an attached state on the client.
>> 5. The only solutions I can see may be the following:
>>     a) Find some way of putting an interceptor in the access method for
>> lazy loades attributes  and let the server so the loading in the catch
>> bock
>>     b) Wrap a try/catch block around the access and let the server so the
>> loading in the catch bock
>>     c) never do a direct access. Always send the bean back to the server
>> and do the loading on the server
>>     All three solutions need the server to do the lazy loading.
>> 6. Just to clearify: Not Wicket is the problem. The problem lies in the
>> design of EJB3 lazy loading itself. Any client application has the same
>> problem in principal.
>> Is this correct until this point? Only after we come to a clear
>> definition
>> of the problem we may find a way to solve it. Any suggests are welcome.
>> Please help us to use wicket and EJB3 in a better way.
>> Stefan Lindner


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