> Don't you have some scripts to help you release it? You said something about
> a script for doing the mvn clean site assembly:assembly thing in all
> projects. Can't you add a line or two to unpack the release and run mvn test
> in it? Is there something I/we can help you with in setting up a good
> release environment/scripts so it will be easier for you?

I have some scripts to help me, but building the actual stuff is not
what takes the most time.

Wicket 1.x is special in that it requires 2 different JVM's (otherwise
you have the possibility of using 1.5 rt.jar in your 1.4 project):

JDK 1.4:
 * wicket, wicket-extensions, wicket-examples, wicket-spring,

JDK 1.5:
 * the rest of the projects

So I have two maven start up scripts: mvn4 and mvn. mvn4 uses the
JDK1.4 (doesn't know that 1.5 even exists).

Steps I do:
 - check out the wicket-1.2.x branch
 - try to build all projects
 - fix compilation issues
 - fix unit tests
 - try to build all projects
 - fix dependencies
 - try to build all projects
 - generate the sites
 - fix the site documentation
 - generate the sites
 - try to build all projects
 - commit to svn
 - svn copy wicket-1.2.x to tags/wicket-1.2.5
 - svn copy tags/wicket-1.2.5 to releases/wicket-1.2.5
 - switch to releases/wicket-1.2.5
 - update all project files to use version 1.2.5
 - edit index.xml in site of Wicket project to add release notes
 - generate site for wicket project
 - curse the maven site plugin for being very buggy
 - edit index.xml in site of Wicket project to add release notes
 - generate site for wicket project
 - repeat last 3 steps until the site is workable
 - commit to svn
 - generate assemblies using script
 - look at contents of distributions to see if anything is really wrong
 - try to build jar with mvn, sometimes even with ant
 - rebuild assemblies
 - commit to svn
 - upload assemblies to sf.net
 - create releases for each project in release filesystem
 - assign each zip and tgz to a project and release
 - update release descriptors for each zip and tgz to "platform
independent" and "zip", "tgz" respectivily
 - deploy site to sf.net
 - check if site still works
 - create release notes for email to user, dev, announce list
 - create release notes for javalobby.org, blog

So the biggest problems are in the manual stuff: failing unittests,
maven plugins that don't work, sites that don't generate, and mostly:
waiting for the compiler, jar/javadoc/unittests to do their work.

The last stage is also mind numbing: releasing to sf.net, as each file
released requires about 15 mouse clicks to complete (each click is a
page request).

The best way of helping is ensuring that all the unittests run when a
release vote is held.


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