I'd love to try and use the main wicket confluence instance in some way.
seriously, i haven't even been able to create an account and login to the
wiki for wicket-stuff.

On 1/9/07, Filippo Diotalevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/9/07, Korbinian Bachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the current seems very basic to me, and i never heard about MoinMoin and
> capabilities before - what wonders me, is if it would be possible to use
> confluence, as its used for wicket main so we would have only 1
technology /
> system and users/ contributors would only have 1 system to know... any
> thoughts on this? - can wicket-stuff also profit from apache or is this
> for listed projects there?

Yeah, I must admit that I'd prefer so much to go with confluence.
With this regard, there are 3 possible solutions:

- ask Atlassian for a free open source license. I've already done
that, it requires some time (it required more than a month in my
case). Then you need to find a java hosting... not impossible, but
requires some work as well

- As I told you, I already have a free license of Confluence for the
Java User Group Milano. We are building our website with it, but it
should be easy to add a workspace in our installation for
wicket-stuff. However, wicket-stuff would probably be a medium-traffic
website (much more than our), so I'd probably need to find another
java hosting

- Use Apache confluence.. needless to say, I'd love it! but we've
already discussed about it and I remember some folks being not very
enthusiastic about this solution

Filippo Diotalevi

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