> I am interested in creating a complex form in Java code without needing to
> manually configure any html for that form. In Swing for example, when you
> create a text field, it automatically has a default representation/view.

Not a good comparison though, as Swing doesn't generate markup. Like
with Swing you have to know where/ how your components need to be
positioned using layout managers, with Wicket you need to tell where
in the markup the components are located.

It doesn't have to be a big problem though. As you start out, just
keep your markup super simple, and later revisit to do more advanced
layout etc. If you think a little bit ahead, and use CSS extensively,
you typically don't very often have to change the hierarchy and you
should get by just tweaking the templates and CSS. If you want a
default look/ layout, you can use panels. You can provide custom
markup for overriding classes later if you wish.

> It basically would be really sweet to be able to create forms, form
> elements, form layouts directly in Java code - and then later be able to
> tweak or tailor layout, css, etc. (perhaps via fragments?) As a Swing
> developer, I tend to develop every aspect of UIs in code.
> I've been using Wicket for just a couple of days. Where should I be looking?
> How do I approach this? strategies, Fragments, WebComponents? markup
> inheritance? ...

It sounds like Echo is more your style of coding. See http://www.nextapp.com/


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