I'm using an AjaxFormSubmitBehavior  to render a little indicator on the ongoing Ajax request which gets triggered 
when the user clicks on the AjaxSubmitButton. The only problem is that the form is getting sumitted prior to showing
the results ignoring ajax. If I remove the AjaxFormSubmitBehavior  it works fine. The onSubmit of the AjaxSubmitButton is never called.
By the time the onSubmit of AjaxFormSubmitBehavior  is called the form has already been 
submitted. How would I go about fixing this? 
Thank you for your time

public LookupEmployeeForm(String id, IModel model) {

super(id, model);

add(new TextField("cn"));


add(ajaxButton = new AjaxSubmitButton("ajaxLDAPSearch", this) {

protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {

System.out.println("This never gets called");



ajaxButton.add(new AjaxFormSubmitIndicator());


private class AjaxFormSubmitIndicator extends AjaxFormSubmitBehavior implements IAjaxIndicatorAware {

public AjaxFormSubmitIndicator() {

super(LookupEmployeeForm.this, "onclick");


public String getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() {

return imgContainer.getMarkupId();



protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

List<LDAPUser> list = ldapDao.getSearchResults((LDAPUser)employeeForm.getModelObject());




System.out.println("This gets called");



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