On 5/29/07, Jan Kriesten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why re-invent the wheel with Wasp/Swarm?

The same question could be asked when acegi was introduced, or any
other security framework for that matter.
The simple answer is because it things differently and hopes to solves
problems not addressed by other frameworks. Without having any further
knowledge of acegi, one of the differences is component oriented
security as opposed to url based. wicket is after all component based
so why fiddle with urls. Second swarm was designed from the ground to
interact with wicket whereas acegi requires you to go through several
hoops just to get some simple stuff done.
Third configuring a security framework is often not a simple task, i
like to think swarm does a better job.
Just to name a few of the selling points without going into a "my
framework is better then yours war". :)


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