> What makes me wonder is, using Acegi as a Filter means not to use
> component-based authorization. But it should be possible to integrate Acegi 
> into
> the application and all Filter-gotchas should be resolvable. Or am I missing
> something?

You're right, if you really want, you can use URL based authorization.

> Why re-invent the wheel with Wasp/Swarm?

I don't know about Wasp/Swarm particularly, but I'm guessing you
wonder about why do component-level auhtorization rather then URL
based authorization.

First, there are advantages to URL based auth:
* widely supported, including through servlet containers and libs like Acegi
* good when you mix technologies as this way you have one solution for all

But the disadvantages are pretty grave:
* severely limits your options as you'll pretty much have to get back
to page-based development. URL based authorization only works for
course grained cases, and won't work with e.g. when you do component
replacement[1] and Ajax.
* it leaks abstraction. With Wicket you can abstract much of your
functionality to self contained components, including the relevant
authorization if you like. This opens the door for really fine grained
auth models, and with such components you'll never have to worry where
they are used, as you'll know that the functionality can't be exposed
in the wrong places. Great when you work with teams. You'll loose this
when you do URL based auth, as then you'll have to be aware what's
actually on your pages at any time.
* for this to work with Wicket you'll have to work with URL mounting.
And re-organizing the mounts can break security.

My 2c,


[1] http://chillenious.wordpress.com/2006/07/16/on-page-navigation/

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