On Tue, 03 Jul 2007, Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> the problem here is that onchange is fired when the focus is lost from the
> field. so if you are on that field and you click the submit button this will
> result in two form-submittals that are very very close to each other. thus
> the double submit that you see. you should add validatingbehavior to
> onkeyup, and make sure to set a throttle so it doesnt flood your server.

...but with onkeyup, you don't get cut and paste mouse
events, nor browser autocomplete.

In 1.3.0 trunk there is the new OnChangeAjaxBehavior by
Janne; we've been prototyping it and the approach seems very
promising. Autocomplete is all you lose, other editing seems
to work at least on Firefox 2 and IE 7.

The failure of the HTML spec and browser implementations in
such an essential and technically trivial thing (available
since the 1980s on desktop?) is a prime example of the
limitations of the web as an UI platform.

- Timo

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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